
6 May 2020

Germany To Open Shops, Schools And Start Premier League In May

As per reports coming in from Germany where the government may open schools shops and may start football league in the month of May.

All shops in schools will reopen after May 21st 2020 all across Germany.  According to Government of Germany schools will also reopen in the end of May as the lock down in Germany has ended in April and after that till now there has been no surge  in covid-19 cases.

Shops all over Germany will also be open in May but decision to open malls universities restaurants and bars will be taken only after watching the cases division wise.

The chancellor of Germany was not in favour to open the country soon but his decision was pressured by various states of Germany in a unilateral manner to restart economy.

Merkel will discuss to the opening of Germany with other states in May as the daily count of infection is below 1000 for the past 6 days.

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