
3 Sept 2023

ISRO Sun Mission: Priya Krishnakant Sharma of Barwah, Khargone, Madhya Pradesh Also Contributed In Building VELC Payload Of Aditya L-1

Khargone: After the successful landing of Chandrayaan-3, ISRO's first solar mission Aditya L-1 has been launched. Priya Krishnakant Sharma of Barwah, Khargone, Madhya Pradesh is also in the team that built the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) payload of Aditya L-1.

Aditya L-1 will reach Sun's L-1 orbit in 110 - 120 days after launch. 7 payloads have been installed in it. The most important Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) payload has been called the heart of the mission. L-1 will study the Sun at different points and transmit the data to India through VELC payload. This payload has been prepared at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore Institute, where Priya is working as an Optics Project Engineer

Priya is also in team that will analyze data to be sent by VELC

Priya is also in the team that will analyze the data that will come from the VELC payload after Aditya L-1 is installed at the L-1 point. Priya has contributed in the optical design analysis and simulation of this payload. Besides, when this payload was integrated with the vehicle, she was also present in ISRO during the final optical test.

Priya prayed for success of Mission

Priya told the media that she was very excited about the launch of this mission. She was praying for it to be successful like Chandrayaan. 

“I am so excited that I could not sleep at night. I am constantly discussing with my team members associated with this project over phone and through messages,” she said. Even on Friday a day before the day of launch, she was staying in her institute till late evening and holding a meeting with the team members regarding the mission.

Priya told that the main function of VLC payload is to study the atmosphere of the Sun. We will study to find out in advance the impact of solar storms on the Earth, she said. There is a difference in the temperature of the sun's surface and atmosphere, which will also be studied during the mission. VLC payload will play an important role in all these studies.

Priya has also worked in DRDO

Priya has also worked in DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization), which is the country's leading organization for India's defense related research work. She has worked in this prestigious institution of the country for almost three years.

Priya told that she had done engineering in Electronics and Communication from a private engineering institute in Maheshwar. After this she did M. Tech in Opto Electronics from SGSITS Indore. After this worked for about 6 months in IIT Indore. After clearing the exam, Priya got selected in DRDO.

From October 2019 to September 2022, she stayed in DRDO and was associated with various researches related to the country's defense. On the basis of her research in DRDO, she was selected in the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore. It was here that she became a part of the team during the final testing of the payload.

Priya’s parents live in Barwah

Priya is living in Bengaluru with her husband Krishnakant Sharma. Krishnakant is working in a private company in Bangalore. Krishnakant is a resident of Narmada Nagar Colony of Barwah. Priya's maternal home is Maheshwar and in-laws' house is Barwah.

Priya's father Shyam Gavshinde and mother Gayatri Gavshinde are both teachers. Her brother Gaurav is a court employee. Members of both the in-laws and maternal side are feeling extremely proud of Priya's participation in this important mission of the country.

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