Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Mohan Yadav actively participated in the joyous celebrations at the Shri Ramraja Sarkar Temple in Orchha. The grand event included the live telecast of the Pran Pratishtha ceremony at the divine-new temple in Ayodhya, where Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi consecrated Shri Ramlala amidst Vedic mantras.
Divine Puja at Shri Ramraja Sarkar Mandir
Chief Minister Yadav performed a puja at the Shri Ramraja Sarkar Temple, Orchha, under the guidance of Acharya Pandit Shri Virendra Bidua. The ritual worship extended to various sacred peeths, including Navagrah Mandalam Peeth, Sarvottobhadra Mandalam Peeth, Shri Ganesh Gauri Peeth, and Shri Shodash Matrika Peeth. The Chief Minister also offered flowers and participated in the aarti, accompanied by public representatives. Bhajan singer Ms. Madhuri Madhukar added a spiritual touch to the ceremony with bhajans dedicated to Lord Shri Ram.
Darshan and Prayers at Sri Ramaraja Temple
Following the live telecast from Ayodhya, Chief Minister Dr. Yadav, along with public representatives, visited Shri Ramraja Sarkar in the temple and offered prayers. He sought the blessings of Lord Shri Ram for the prosperity and happiness of Madhya Pradesh and its people. In the temple premises, he examined the model of Shri Ramraja Lok, gaining insights into its progress.
Bhandara Blessings and Food Prasad
Chief Minister Dr. Yadav actively participated in serving food prasad to women devotees during the Bhandara organized at the court of Shri Ramraja Sarkar in Orchha. Devotees expressed joy and considered it a privilege to receive prasad from the Chief Minister on this auspicious occasion. The Chief Minister, along with public representatives, also partook in the Bhandara and received the sacred food prasad.
Dignitaries and Public Representatives Present
The event witnessed the presence of prominent dignitaries, including former Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chaouhan, Minister of State for Culture, Tourism, and Endowments (Independent Charge) Dharmendra Singh Lodhi, and other esteemed public representatives. The atmosphere was filled with devotion as they collectively participated in the consecration celebrations at the Shri Ramraja Sarkar Temple.
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