The Prime Minister Narendra Modi participated in Sashakt Nari - Viksit Bharat programme and witnessed agricultural drone demonstrations conducted by Namo Drone Didis at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi. Namo Drone Didis from 10 different locations nationwide also participated in the drone demonstration simultaneously. During the programme, the PM Modi also handed over drones to 1,000 Namo Drone Didis.
The Prime Minister also disbursed around Rs 8,000 crore Bank loans to Self Help Groups (SHGs) at subsidised interest rate through Bank Linkage Camps set up by Banks in each district. PM Modi also disbursed about Rs 2,000 crore Capitalization Support Fund to SHGs. The Prime Minister also interacted with the beneficiaries.
Speaking on the occasion the Prime Minister called today’s occasion historic as Drone Didis and Lakhpati Didis are scripting new chapters of success. He said interacting with such successful women entrepreneurs fills him with confidence about the future of the nation. He praised the determination and persistence of the Nari Shakti. ‘This gave me confidence to embark on the journey of creating 3 crore lakhpati Didis’, he said.
PM Modi also acknowledged that the transformative influence of drone technology in agriculture is being steered by women of the nation. Recalling his interaction with a Drone Didi, the PM elaborated on the sense of empowerment through income, skill and recognition of the Drone Didi. “I have full faith that Nari Shakti will lead the technology revolution in the country”, the PM added, mentioning strides by women in all fields.
The PM elaborated on the expansion of drone technology in areas such as transporting milk and vegetable products to the market, medicine delivery etc opening new avenues for Drone Didis.
PM stated, "The expansion of self-help groups in India over the past decade has been remarkable. These groups have rewritten the narrative of women empowerment in the country."
Acknowledging the pivotal role played by women in self-help groups, the Prime Minister expressed his gratitude, saying, "I extend my heartfelt greetings to every sister in the self-help groups today. Their hard work has elevated these groups to become leaders in nation-building."
The Namo Drone Didi and Lakhpati Didi initiatives are integral to the Prime Minister's vision of fostering economic empowerment and financial autonomy among women, especially in rural areas. In order to further this vision, Prime Minister will felicitate Lakhpati Didis, who have achieved success with the support of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission and are supporting and motivating other Self-Help Group members for their upliftment.
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