In the aftermath of the BJP severing ties with its Haryana ally, Jannayak Janata Party (JJP), a significant shakeup unfolded. Manohar Lal Khattar relinquished his position as Chief Minister, making way for Nayab Singh Saini. A routine floor test, scheduled for 11 am today, will determine the majority.
Nayab Singh Saini, aged 54, assumed the role of Haryana's new Chief Minister in a hastily organized ceremony in Chandigarh, following Mr. Khattar's resignation and that of his cabinet ministers.
Saini claims the support of 48 MLAs and has requested the governor to convene the assembly session for a floor test, where they intend to prove their majority.
With the backing of six Independent MLAs, the BJP's total support stands at 47, surpassing the majority mark in the 90-member Assembly. Additionally, five JJP MLAs are expected to switch allegiance to the BJP.
The BJP-JJP fallout stemmed from disagreements over seat sharing in the state, particularly regarding Lok Sabha seats, leading to the dramatic political reconfiguration.
This development precedes the upcoming Lok Sabha polls-2024 and the anticipated Assembly elections in October, posing a significant challenge for the restructured BJP.
Former Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar is speculated to contest the Lok Sabha elections, potentially from Kurukshetra, the seat vacated by Saini.
BJP's strategic focus on caste and OBC
Nayab Saini's selection underscores the BJP's strategic focus on caste and Other Backward Classes (OBC) equations in each state before elections.
The JJP has declared its intent to contest all 10 seats independently, with Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala expected to unveil campaign details at an upcoming party rally.
Dushyant Chautala expressed commitment to Haryana's interests and its people, promising continued efforts for social and economic security in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter).
As Haryana's political landscape undergoes a transformation, the fallout between the BJP and JJP sets the stage for a dynamic and closely watched political scenario in the state.
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