Mukhtar Ansari, once a notorious gangster who later turned to politics, passed away on Thursday following a heart attack triggered by declining health. The incarcerated former criminal was swiftly transported to Banda Medical College Hospital in Ghazipur, Banda, where he succumbed to his condition. This marked the second instance within two days where his health took a downturn. Just the day before, on Tuesday, Ansari was hospitalized for approximately 14 hours after experiencing severe abdominal pain.
The security has been enhanced in Mau town of Uttar Pradesh as Ansari's supporters have started to gather at his residence.
It is being told that Mukhtar had suddenly become unconscious in Banda jail barrack. Due to which his health deteriorated. After this, Mukhtar was admitted to Banda Medical College by ambulance. Quoting sources it has been said that Mukhtar had suffered a heart attack. After this his health deteriorated.
His lawyer Naseem Haider confirmed the development and said he reached the hospital after receiving the information. His brother Afzal Ansari had earlier said Mukhtar Ansari was poisoned in jail by a substance mixed in food.
According to the medical bulletin, Mukhtar Ansari was admitted to the emergency ward of the medical college at 8.45 pm by the jail security personnel. He was brought complaining of vomiting and in an unconscious state.
The bulletin said that a team of nine doctors provided immediate medical aid to the patient but despite best efforts, he died due to 'cardiac arrest'.
Samajwadi Party expressed grief
Samajwadi Party has expressed grief over the death of Mukhtar Ansari in a post on social media platform X.
Samajwadi Party wrote, “Demise of former MLA Shri Mukhtar Ansari ji is sad. May his soul rest in peace. May the bereaved family members get the strength to bear this immense grief.”
Recently, Mukhtar was hospitalised as he complained of abdominal pain in jail. Ansari was admitted to the same medical college on March 26, when he complained of severe abdominal pain. At that time Sunil Kaushal, the Principal of Rani Durgavati Medical College, Banda, reported that Ansari was admitted at approximately 3:45 am due to stomach pain and difficulties with urination and excretion.
After receiving treatment, Ansari's condition stabilized, and he was discharged from the ICU ward around 5:45 pm the same day. He was subsequently returned to prison by the jail administration.
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