In the second phase of the MP Lok Sabha Election 2024, voting took place across six constituencies in Madhya Pradesh, namely Rewa, Satna, Khajuraho, Hoshangabad, Damoh, and Tikamgarh. As of 6 pm, only 58.35% of eligible voters participated in the electoral process, marking a decrease from the previous election turnout.
Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan provided a breakdown of the turnout, revealing varying percentages across constituencies: Tikamgarh (59.79%), Damoh (56.18%), Khajuraho (56.44%), Satna (61.87%), Rewa (48.67%), and Hoshangabad (67.16%). Comparatively, in the last Lok Sabha elections, a total of 67.6% voter turnout was recorded in these constituencies, indicating a 9.25% decrease this time.
With such a decline, political analysts are speculating on which party stands to benefit or suffer. Some argue that Congress might capitalize on the lower turnout, suggesting a possible dissatisfaction among voters towards the BJP. Conversely, others interpret the reduced participation as a sign of general apathy towards the ruling party, without necessarily favoring the opposition.
Congress may gain on some seats?
Some political observers believe that Congress seems to be gaining on some seats due to less voting. It seems that people have not shown a very positive attitude towards BJP, due to which they have not come to vote on a large scale, while some political analysts also believe that low voting percentage only means indifference towards the ruling party.
Ultimately, the ramifications of the diminished voter turnout will only become apparent when the results are announced on June 4. Until then, analysts will continue to offer their interpretations, but the true impact on BJP and Congress remains uncertain.
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