Before and during the Lok Sabha elections-2024, a significant number of Congress leaders from Madhya Pradesh have defected to the BJP, including former Congress presidents, current mayors, and councillors, along with their supporters. This mass exodus set a new record in terms of party switching, that had left the Congress State President, Jitu Patwari, perturbed.
Jitu Patwari has expressed his discontent with the trend of Congress members joining the BJP, cautioning party leaders against such moves. In a social media post, he highlighted that only a few of the defected MLAs have managed to secure ministerial positions, suggesting a mixed outcome for those who made the switch.
Jitu Patwari posted on social media “Either they lost the election or they did not get the ticket, at present only 9 are MLAs and only 4 of them have reached the post of minister!”
Patwari has also accused the BJP of aiming to weaken the opposition through a combination of fear and allure. He said some people are succumbing to pressure and switching their allegiances. Despite this, he maintains a sympathetic stance towards these people.
Patwari further wrote, "Some scared opportunists are even changing their minds! But, the public is also seeing and understanding this situation! They were once our friend, companion, ally. I have full sympathy towards them and also wish that God helps them if they consider politics as a means of public service!”
Following the defeat in the 2023 Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections, Kamal Nath resigned as the PCC Chief, leading to Jitu Patwari assuming the role of Congress State President amidst a challenging political landscape.
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