
15 May 2020

Today Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Discussed Famers Especially Dairy, Poultry And Fisheries

Today's Finance Minister will be discussing the farmers related projects and guidelines among the country.

Around 2 lk credit cards will be prepared.  Around 18700/- crores have been deposited in the farmers accounts.  worth rupees 6700 have been cleared by the central government till now.

Additional steps have also been done in the last 8 months and during the lockdown the milk which was produced by them was taken by them which was before send to local restaurants 560 lakh litres of milk from cooperative and was utilised and dairy keepers were paid for that milk.this give them additional 5,000 crore of liquidity to the farmers when Government of India procured milk from them.

Some help has been extended for fisheries and the consignment which was coming from abroad all the deadline extensions have now been honoured and now import permit for roots level has now been extended and also have for the delay of 1 months and all the current and extending were also allowed extension with no extra additional charge for grant of NOC for current time in relaxed from 7 days two three days.  This will effect and benefit the hatcheries which were expiring in March have now been extended to August.

Private start ups and new entrepreneurs which have been procuring things from the farmers will be given 1 lakh Crore of fund to help these people at the earliest.

Next help of food enterprises the government help in providing refund of Rs 10,000 crore scheme which will get executed at the cluster base.  they will create products of global standard and can reach local markets through this find most of the products in this game will be related to health and wellness products, nutritional products, herbal product, organic product and product which are now being used and covered this will help 2 lakh MSME will be benefited by bringing them up to that level encouraging and branding their products whatsoever.  The focus will be on women SC ST and other weaker sections of the country.  

Van sampada the states which are rich in forest department and forestry can also avail this cluster finance facility from the government.

The main aim of the government is to empower people and provide them with the resources I am making India to stand up on its own and generate more jobs and so on.  And create more skill and create more jobs and so on.

Animals suffering from foot and mouth disease as a result of which many of milk related produces or daily or in animals which can infected could not be coming or not coming over to the market. By farmers, animal and people had a lot of suffering. So in order that central government will do 100% vaccination of all buffalo on sheep or goat population 53 crore nice tok bearing country and their for a country of that size with the on the largest stock of animal with us fnd has to be eradicated there till date in January in spite of the difficulties 1.5 crore cows and buffaloes up in fact and their win vaccinated traceability can be established why am I saying this this is a commitment of 13 thousand crores from January of this month this year that amount is also flowing and now post in up down in the green zone at least this work shall continue with great speed this forms the basis for my next flight which pertains to animal husbandry and the money which is being allowed for that a building of capacities in animal husbandry.

Around Rs 15,000 crores will be spent for dairy infrastructure.  Various items whether milk powder, milk, cheese, spread cheese the government of India will support private investment and cattle feed infrastructure would be done and animal husbandry development fund which can works as an incentive for establishment of industrial plants for cheese milk powder milkmaid such units can be established by the incentives given by Government of India.

Promotion of herbal cultivation rupees 4000 crore will be given to support 2.5 lakh hectare of area by government of India.  This will help generate at least five thousand crores of income for those farmers who want to grow herbal cultivation in their areas. There can be herbal and medicinal plants that can be grown by the farmers as now both these plants are in great demand now in India and around the globe.

The beekeeping has been recognised locally and globally as well rupees 500 crores of beekeeping initiative will be given which will benefit 200000 beekeepers all over the India for edible medicinal and of various other pollination will be stop so beekeepers will be given this help so that they will be selfie land and will bring a big platform for export as well as import.

Government is giving Rs 500 crore to manage supplied change as it has been disrupted for the farmers specially in lockdown in the matters onions and potatoes which have been cultivated to feed the cities and there sale if not done properly can have perishable effect to the economy as well as to the farmers so the government is giving 50% subsidy to transportation and 50% subsidy to storage will be given for next 6 months and can be extended for another 6 months but this is given as an extra help to the farmers.  Not only tomato and potatoes other vegetables also have been brought in this scheme including cold storage will be in this scheme.

Government and administrative reforms the first one relates to essential essential commodities act it is an act which exist on 1955 and when it was promulgated.  Now what has been happening is that the farmers have been planting abundance of crops and since whole of the crop cannot be exported as to control the prices in India so it requires and amendment making sure that cereals, edible pulses with be completely deregulated and no stock limit will be given and now the farmers can export their products but only the times when calamity struck then only they will be stopped otherwise an exporter will be given the facility to export their goods and farmers prices can't be affected by the ascertaining.

This reformers will stop licensing for the farmer to sell it stocks to a limited number of people related to farmers and farmers given edicates choice to sell their products and Central law will be brought up to sell the product of farmer at an attractive price now there will be no barrier n interstate selling as now the farmer can sell their products through e trading so a certain amount will be given to stop this type of restrictions to stop the farmer when he is compelled to sell only a certain amount of people then now the farmer can sell his produce to any person inter State wise and he can have a choice and now no balance will be there in e-trade.  

The farmers in our country does not have a standard mechanism and cannot have a predictable price a protective wholesale even before he starts sowing and at the time of sowing he goes with uncertainty if he is lucky with monsoon and other natural disaster is able to produce his farm but still he does not get the price to his price now now he will get a price prior to his sewing and a certain kind of insurance for his quantity will be given to the farmer and now it will be a facilitated legal frame of work where a farmer can have direct link with exporters, processesors and big companies.

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