
11 Feb 2021

Rescue Operations In Uttarakhand Halted Due To Rise In Water

Reports have been coming in from Uttarakhand where the rescue operation has been temporarily halted in Chamoli district following a rise in the level of water in Rishiganga river. 

As reported earlier a flash flood had hit the district following a glacial burst on February 7th. 

Rescue operation temporarily halted in Chamoli district due to a rise in the level of water in Rishiganga river. 

Orders have been given to vacate the areas downstream as per Ashok Kumar, DGP Uttarakhand while speaking to ANI.

The water level in the river is rising, people living in nearby areas are being alerted. People are requested to remain alert and not panic as per sources from Chamoli Police, Uttarakhand.

In the flash flood incident, scientists have observed a rockfall from a height of 5,600 meters. 

Since that support from the bottom had fallen, glacier fell down. The area has very steep slope into the mountain region as per sources from the Director, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology from Uttarakhand.

In that 30-40 degree gradient, a huge chunk of rock mass and overlying glacier ice mass had fallen and rolled down. When it came along the slope, there was some vegetation, soil that was scraped with it.  Dr. Kalachand Sain, Director, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology reported the matter.

Our scientists have collected the samples as per sources from Dr Kalachand Sain, Director, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology from Uttarakhand.

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