
19 Jul 2021

Shashi Tharoor Doubtful Of Surveillance Of Leaders By Government

Latest reports have been coming in from ANI which has stated coming in from chairman of parliamentary standing committee on IT Shashi Tharoor.

According to the reports coming in from Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on IT, Shashi Tharoor has said in an interface with ANI that I am conscious that the IT Minister has declared in parliament that no unauthorized surveillance has taken place. 

It raises question -- was there authorized surveillance and if so, on what basis was it authorized as per the Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on IT, Shashi Tharoor.

What Rahul Gandhi and Prashant Kishore are thinking or what journalists are thinking when they interview politicians, has nothing to do with national security.

Chairman of Parliamentary Standing Committee on IT and Congress MP, Shashi Tharoor was sharing his thoughts with famous media house.

If Govt didn't authorize it and didn't do it, then who did it? Pegasus manufacturer NSO Group says they only sell it to governments.

And it costs about USD 7 million for the software. Obviously, only governments will be able to spend that kind of money as per Shashi Tharoor.

If GOI did it that's very bad; if somebody unauthorized did it, that's worse. If a foreign govt say China or Pakistan did it, then national security demands that our govt should investigate.

According to the leader this is why an independent investigation is absolutely indispensable.

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