As per the Ukrainian Health Minister Viktor Liashko, at least 16 children were killed since February 24.
As per Ukrainian Education Ministry more than 350,000 school children have no access to education according to Sergiy Kyslytsya, Ukrainian Ambassador to UN at UNSC meeting on Ukraine.
Enemy losses as of February 27 have amounted to nearly 4,300 and over 200 taken as prisoners of war which Russia has denied.
Ukraine had opened a hotline for relatives of Russian soldiers who can't be contacted; over 100 calls from Russian mothers were received during the 1st hr according Ukraine at UNSC.
Sergiy Kyslytsya, Ukrainian Ambassador to UN at UNSC meeting has said that line and dedicated website have been shut down (by Russia).
I want to read the telephone number for anyone in Russia who would like to call as per Sergiy Kyslytsya, Ukrainian Ambassador to UN at UNSC meeting.
The Russian Army does not threaten civilians in Ukraine, they're not shelling civilian infrastructure. A threat to civilians is now posed by Ukrainian nationalists who have effectively seized hostages to use as human shields: Russian Federation representative at UNSC
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