
20 Jul 2022

Nagpur businessman dies after setting fire to family's car!

Driven by financial crisis, a businessman in Nagpur set himself and his family on fire in his car on Tuesday afternoon. He was killed, but his wife and son, who managed to get out of the car, survived with severe burns.
Horrifying videos show the car on fire with the driver inside and firefighters trying to put out the blaze.

Ramraj Bhatt, 63, was said to have taken his family to a hotel for lunch and drove his car for a distance before stopping suddenly on the road.

He allegedly took out a flammable liquid and doused his car with it before returning and setting it on fire.

Ramraj Bhatt died of severe burns. His wife Sangita Bhatt (57) and son Nandan (25) somehow opened the door and jumped out of the car but were also badly burnt. They are believed to be in a critical condition at a private hospital.

Police said they found a note in a plastic bag at the scene in which the businessman wrote about committing suicide due to his financial crisis.

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