
30 May 2023

Saints Of Ayodhya Come Out In Support Of Brij Bhushan Singh, Demand Amendment in POCSO Act, Mahant Kamal Nayan Das Says Many Saints Also Falsely Implicated

Ayodhya: Saint Dharmacharyas of Ayodhya have come out in support of Brij Bhushan Singh, outgoing president of Wrestling Federation of India and senior BJP MP. They said the POCSO Act is being misused and amendment in the Act is urgently needed.

Mahant Kamal Nayan Das told reporters on Monday that allegations are being made against innocent people by misusing the POCSO Act. In support of Brij Bhushan Singh, he said that he is being harassed. 

Saints-mahants and political people are being harassed

He said especially efforts are made to defame and harass saints-mahants and political people although they may not have done anything wrong. A living example of this is Kaisarganj BJP MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, who has been accused of sexual harassment by wrestlers.

Mahant Kamal Nayan Das said that false POCSO Act cases have been registered against innocent people due to their image in the society is tarnished. 

Awareness rally on June 5

Das said Mahants of monasteries having properties have also been falsely implicated. Saints-Mahants will demand amendment in the  POCSO Act in the public awareness rally at Ramkatha Park on coming 5th June. During this, former justices, legal experts and many experts of law will also be present.

Das said, “In the rally, we all Saints and Mahants will deliberate on POCSO Act, for this we may have to protest, but we will definitely demand amendment from the government, this is the aim of the Jan Chetna rally.”

There will be deliberations on POCSO Act

Laxman Kiladhish Mahant Maithilisharan Maharaj said that on June 5, the program will be huge, in which Saint Mahants of Kashi, Mathura, Vrindavan and Haridwar will participate along with Ayodhya. In this, there will be deliberations regarding the amendment of POCSO Act and what is the opinion of saints regarding this because many saints and mahants are also victims in the case of fake sexual harassment.

Brij Bhushan Singh did a lot to promote wrestling 

Mahant Gaurishankar Das of Hanumangarhi said that there is a tradition of wrestling here. BJP leader Brij Bhushan Singh did a lot to promote wrestling while being the President of Wrestling Association. Such a person is being accused of sexual harassment. A fake case of POCSO Act was filed against him which is absolutely wrong. 

A large number of other saints also expressed dismay and anger at the alleged misuse of POCSO Act and the harassment of 

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