
29 Jun 2023

After Chhattisgarh, What Decision Congress Will Take About Rajasthan; Why Sachin Pilot’s Issue Is Different From TS Singhdeo

After making TS Singh Deo the deputy CM in Chhattisgarh, the Congress high command is now preparing to take a decision regarding Rajasthan. The work on the formula to end the tussle between CM Ashok Gehlot and Sachin Pilot before the elections is being deliberated. 


Singh Deo did not cross the political limit


But Political experts argue that the case of TS Singh Deo in Chhattisgarh cannot be compared to that of Sachin Pilot. TS Singh Deo was internally dissatisfied, but he did not cross the political limit. Sachin Pilot has openly opened a front against the government and Ashok Gehlot and also took out yatras.

The issues of Pilot are also different. Sachin Pilot camp has been consistently making claim for the post of Chief Minister, while the Gehlot camp has been rejecting Pilot's claim by arguing that they have the majority of the MLAs with them.

On September 25 last year, the matter took a turn after the MLAs of the Gehlot camp boycotted the Legislature Party meeting and showed their attitude to the high command. After that the tussle between the Pilot and Gehlot camps increased further. In such a situation, efforts are being made to find a different formula in Pilot's case.


Party considering some options to end the tussle 


Despite these complexities, now preparations are on to bring Sachin Pilot into the mainstream by giving him a post. Several rounds of discussions have taken place on the political rehabilitation of Pilot. For this, some options are being considered. The high command will take further steps after Rahul Gandhi returns from Manipur tour.


Party will have to take Pilot camp along

The Congress high command wants to settle the Gehlot-Pilot tussle before the campaign for the assembly elections begins. For this again the sharing formula has been prepared. Now the exercise to implement it has started. The party high command has been getting feedback that without taking Pilot camp along, the resentment against the government will not reduce. In such a situation, a plan is being prepared to join both the camps and go to the election field.

What formula has the high command prepared for Pilot-Gehlot to go to the polls, if the pilots are adjusted somewhere then what will happen to the demands raised by them, what will be the role of Sachin Pilot in ticket distribution? Read in this report.


Three types of options have been prepared for the political rehabilitation of Sachin Pilot. Gehlot and Pilot will be brought together by making a consensus on one of these options.


Pilot can be made member of CWC


The first option is to make Pilot the National General Secretary and a member of the Congress's Supreme Body Congress Working Committee (CWC) as well as the chairman of the campaign committee for the assembly elections. This formula was discussed earlier also. Due to this, even the opposing camp will not have much problem.

Can Pilot be made state president again?


The second option is to make Pilot the state president again and the MLA of his camp as deputy CM, but the Gehlot camp is opposing it. For this there will have to be a reshuffle in the cabinet. On the post of state president, Ashok Gehlot has been opposing Pilot. Instead he wants a leader of his own camp.

In 2020, Pilot was sacked from the posts of State President and Deputy CM. If Pilot is made state president, there is also a danger of displeasure of a large Jat vote bank as the present state president is a Jat. That's why the Gehlot camp is opposing making Pilot the state president by giving the argument of this risk. To pacify the Gehlot camp and balance the Jat vote bank, the option of making the current state president Govind Singh Dotasara the deputy CM has also been kept open.

Decision likely after Rahul's return from Manipur


Apart from these two options, a third option is also being worked out. It will be finalized after Rahul Gandhi returns from Manipur tour. Probably this will be discussed by making CM Gehlot and Pilot sit face to face. It is believed that the option of contesting elections by making Pilot the face of the Congress can be discussed. Although nothing is decided yet.

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