
17 Jul 2023

Rajasthan Elections 2023: Why Gehlot Is Getting Precedence? What Will Be Sachin Pilot’s Role?

Jaipur: Congress has given the message of collective leadership in Rajasthan and after months Sachin Pilot has appeared soft towards Ashok Gehlot. The party claimed that many demands of Sachin Pilot have been accepted. 

The Congress high command enforced a truce between Ashok Gehlot and his main detractor, Sachin Pilot in May this year. Gehlot, who once called Pilot a ‘gaddar’ (traitor) has now said he hoped they would work together.

But is everything alright in Rajasthan Congress now? Is the political ceasefire between Ashok Gehlot and Sachin Pilot permanent? On what terms was the long dispute between the two leaders put to an end?

Elections will be fought under leadership of Gehlot

Under the formula of the agreement between Pilot and Gehlot, the assembly elections will be held under the leadership of Ashok Gehlot and his governance model will be taken to masses. The party feels that after the way things have been done by Ashok Gehlot on the ground in the last one year, now the elections must be fought under his leadership. 

Anti-incumbency against several MLAs still a cause of concern

However, the anti-incumbency wave against several MLAs on the ground is still a cause of concern for the party. This can be reduced by fielding new candidates on many seats. According to the internal feedback and survey received by the party, any attempt to weaken Ashok Gehlot can be a big loss for the party. This is the reason that not only did Ashok Gehlot remain the CM, but in all the appointments made within the party in the state, only Gehlot got precedence.

During the election of Congress President last year, when Ashok Gehlot suddenly withdrew the claim, an uncomfortable situation was created. At that time it was believed that he took such a step against the wishes of the Gandhi family. 

At that time the understanding was that Gehlot would become the Congress President and Sachin would be responsible for Rajasthan. However, Gehlot argued that if a CM is elected against the choice of the majority MLAs, it will cause a big loss to the party. 

When the party talked to the MLAs, the number of Gehlot supporters turned out to be more. After this Gehlot was successful in retaining his chair. Now the way he aggressively toured the state this year with inflation relief camps and other welfare schemes, also went in his favor.

Pilot is future face of party

Did the party ignore Sachin Pilot in the compromise formula? According to party sources, it is not so. The central leadership believes that Pilot is the future face of the party. Also, the way he remained in the party despite all the news of rebel in the recent past also went in his favor. 

In the last few years, Sachin Pilot has become the star campaigner of the party across the country and has become the leader of the party. He has done maximum rallies outside Rajasthan after Rahul Gandhi-Priyanka Gandhi. 

It is certain that after the ceasefire with Gehlot, he can definitely get a new role. Under this, apart from the post of General Secretary in the party, he can also get a big responsibility at the national level in the 2024 general elections. The party feels that if Ashok Gehlot is kept in the loop, he may himself create better opportunities for Sachin Pilot.

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