Senior journalist Deepak Chaurasia has greeted PM Narendra Modi on his birthday. While tweeting on the occasion, Chaurasia wrote: It is not only difficult but impossible to understand PM Modi, he surprises not only the country and the world but also the people of his own party with his out-of-the-box decisions.
In his tweet Deepak Chaurasia writes further: I have been watching his political journey very closely for the last 30 years. In my three interviews (years 2002, 2008, 2012), when his name was not even widely discussed for the post of Prime Minister, I asked him this question every time, when will you become the Prime Minister and when will you go to Delhi... Modi replied candidly...after that in the year 2014, when he was made the Prime Ministerial candidate...and even when in the year 2019, as the Prime Minister of the country, he had made his decisions appreciated all over the world.. .I got his clear opinion on many issues...Watch those explosive '5 interviews' of Prime Minister #NarendraModi"
'My everything is Maninagar'
Chaurasia first interacted with Modi in 2002. He asked Modi when he will go to Delhi from Maninagar (an area of Ahmedabad city in Gujarat). At that time Modi had told Deepak Chaurasia that his everything is Maninagar implying that he had no intention to be in power at Centre. When asked if he is a contender for the post of PM, Modi said he was never a contender even for post of CM.
In 2008, Modi told Deepak that when the people of America form a queue to obtain India's visa. He wants India to be like that. Deepak had said it is possible when you become the PM.
Again in 2012, Deepak Chaurasia told Modi that he wants him (Modi) to become the PM. What do you think? Then Modi had said that he is not even able to think.
In 2014, Deepak Chaurasia said to Modi that during the poll campaigns, the Opposition parties have repeatedly alleged that you (Modi) are a divisive force. Modi replied that BJP's belief is Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas (everyone's development with everyone's cooperation).
Modi reads out his poem
Then in 2019 in his fifth interview with PM Modi, Chaurasia asked PM if he had written anything? PM Modi read out a poem he had penned:
Vishwas ki lau jala kar
Vikas ka deepak le kar
Sapnon ko saakar kar de
Abhi to Suraj uga hai
(Lighting the flame of faith
Carrying the lamp of development
Make dreams come true
The Sun has just risen)
Carrying the lamp of development
Make dreams come true
The Sun has just risen)
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