Bhopal: Three Bhopal Metro coaches reached Bhopal late on Sunday night after covering a distance of about 850 Km from Vadodara in Gujarat. The coaches reached Subhash Nagar depot on a 28-wheel trolley. They will be unloaded on the track after puja on Monday morning. The date of trial will be decided after testing. The trial can be conducted between 22 and 25 September.
The metro train comprises three of these coaches, each spanning 22 meters in length and 2.9 meters in width.
Each coach can seat 250 passengers
During the initial phase of the Bhopal metro, a single train will be composed of three rail coaches. Each coach is designed to comfortably seat approximately 250 passengers. However, the train can accommodate many more passengers who are standing.
The coaches will be brought on the track after performing puja on Monday morning.
These coaches will run on the 6.22Km Orange Line laid from AIIMS, Bhopal to Subhash Nagar. However, the trial run will be between Subhash Nagar depot and Rani Kamlapati station only. Common people will be able to travel in the metro in May-June 2024.
Metro coaches had arrived in Indore only on 31st August. Till now testing has been going on. The trial may take place in a day or two.
Eight stations in Priority Corridor
There are a total of eight stations in the Priority Corridor. These include AIIMS Hospital, Alkapuri, DRM Office, RKMP Station, Sargam Talkies, DB Mall, Kendriya School and Subhash Nagar Station.
The trial run will be done from Subhash Nagar station to RKMP station in about three and a half kilometers. Before the trial, works related to escalators, lifts, (PEB) structures/sheds, tracks, fire fighting are going on at metro stations.
After the trial run of the metro, a team will come from Delhi, which will conduct safety trials and other activities. After this, commercial/passenger operation will be conducted next year in May-June 2024.
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