
8 Nov 2023

Bihar: CM Nitish Kumar apologizes for his controversial remarks about women, Rabri Devi said this

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has apologized for his controversial remarks about women in the Assembly on Tuesday. This statement of Nitish Kumar was being heavily criticized. 

Expressing strong objection to this statement, BJP had launched a scathing attack on Nitish Kumar. National Commission for Women demanded Nitish Kumar to apologize. Nitish Kumar today apologized for his statement with folded hands outside the House and later inside the House.

The Chief Minister said that education is very important to control the population. My only aim was to tell that population growth can be controlled in a better way with education. He said that if my statement has hurt anyone, I withdraw my words and apologize. He said that I am not only ashamed of my statement but also condemn myself.

Rabri Devi said – it happened by mistake

On the statement of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, former Chief Minister of Bihar Rabri Devi said, "Such a thing came out of his (Nitish Kumar's) mouth by mistake, for which he has also apologized. The House should be allowed to function.

Uproar across the country 

There is an uproar across the country regarding Chief Minister Nitish Kumar's statement on population control. BJP leaders had opened a front against Nitish Kumar after the statement and the video of Nitish Kumar's statement went viral on social media. There have been fierce reactions against Nitish on social media also. National Commission for Women Chairperson Rekha Sharma had also said that Nitish Kumar has embarrassed women across the country and hence he should apologise.

I am ashamed and condemn myself

After coming under attack for his controversial statement, Nitish Kumar today said that we worked for the development of women. We are in favor of women empowerment. If I said something wrong or someone did not understand what I said, then I apologize for it. He said that I feel ashamed, I condemn myself. He just said that I congratulate those who criticized me on this issue. I withdraw my statement. Later in the assembly also Nitish Kumar apologized for his statement.

Ruckus continued in the House even after apology

Despite Nitish Kumar's apology, the uproar continued in the House. After Kumar's statement in the House, the Speaker of the Assembly said that it is noble of you that you have apologized for your statement. He said that no Chief Minister condemns himself but along with condemning himself, you have also apologized for your statement.

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