
20 Dec 2023

Bhopal: Now you needn’t worry if a senior citizen or child fails to return home on time; this new feature added to Citizen Cop app will help you


Bhopal: Family members are always worried about the elderly, working women and children when they are away from home. Now to provide them relief, the police with the help of Citizen Cop Foundation have added a new feature in the Citizen Cop application named Aalamban.  The new feature, ‘Aalamban’, has been added to the Citizen Cop mobile application of Bhopal police.

In this available option, a fixed time will be fed when a family member leaves the house. If he/she does not return by that time, then with the help of the three phone numbers registered in that feature, an alert message with location will be sent to the kin.

This feature was launched in Bhopal recently. Bhopal Police Commissioner Harinarayanachari Mishra, Founder of CitizenCop Foundation Rakesh Jain and senior officers were present in this launch.

No need to press any button


Commissioner Harinarayanachari Mishra said that this is the first feature in the country in which the victim does not even need to press any button in times of trouble. Only by giving the information fed in it, the information will reach the family along with the location.

Primarily developed for the elderly, the feature has been designed such that it can be used by anybody concerned about their safety.

The worries of family members regarding children, elderly and women living outside their homes will be alleviated to a great extent by using this feature. In case of any kind of trouble, this app will send an alert message to the family members along with the location of the person concerned.


This feature can also be used offline


There is no need for the internet to use Aalamban app, this feature can also be used offline. In this, the alert reaches the family like SMS. For this it is necessary to have a smartphone as well as GPS.


This feature will work like this

On going to this feature of Citizen Cop, you will have to save the phone numbers of any three of your relatives or acquaintances. After this, you will have to write a message for the alert that will be sent in case of trouble. After saving this information, you will have to come back out of this option. On going to this option again, a timer will appear.

Senior citizens will set a regular time in this timer while going from home to temple, outing or morning walk. If for some reason they are not able to reach home within this time limit, then a message will be sent to the fed numbers with location for help.

Rakesh Jain, Founder of Citizen Cop Foundation, says that this new feature is especially helpful for senior citizens, children, college girls and working women. This is a safety tool for women who have odd working hours and who find it late at night when they return home.

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