
18 Jan 2024

Pakistan-Iran Conflict: Tension mounts as Pakistan says it attacked hideouts of terrorists in Iran

Days after Iran's attacks in Balochistan, now Pakistan has also claimed to attack in Iran.

The Pakistan Air Force on Thursday conducted retaliatory airstrikes on alleged Baloch separatist camps inside Iran.

According to the reports, the retaliatory strikes by Pakistan Air Force targeted hideouts of Baloch militants wanted by Pakistan located inside Iranian territory. Reports said three women and four children were among nine killed ithe air strikes.

In a statement issued by the spokesperson of Pakistan's Foreign Ministry, it has been said that in this attack, the Pakistani Army has targeted the terrorists of Pakistani origin taking shelter in Iran.

The statement said, “This morning, Pakistan attacked specially identified targets of terrorists in Sistan-o-Baluchistan province of Iran. Many terrorists have been killed in the operation named ‘Marg Bar Sarmachar’, which was conducted on the basis of intelligence information.”

The statement further said, “During talks with Iran in the last few years, Pakistan had given many evidences to Iran regarding terrorists of Pakistani origin, who call themselves Sarmachar. But they kept shedding the blood of common people in Pakistan. Action was taken against these so-called news reports on the basis of solid information.”

The Pakistani Foreign Ministry has said, “Pakistan is committed to protecting its national security from every threat. Pakistan will continue to take such steps for its security in future also.”

Iran had attacked

On Tuesday, Iran carried out attacks in Baluchistan, Pakistan. Iran says that it targeted an organization named Jaish al-Adl which is continuously carrying out terrorist incidents in its country.

Pakistan had expressed strong objection to Iran's attacks and there was tension in the relations between the two countries.

Pakistan had said that Pakistan also has the right to take action in response to these attacks. Pakistan had also recalled his ambassador from Iran.

America had expressed hope for a peaceful solution, terming Iran's action as a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty.

At the same time, China had appealed that both the countries should adopt restraint and follow international rules.

India has said that 'this is a mutual matter between the two countries, but India adopts a policy of zero tolerance regarding terrorism and countries can take such steps for self-defense.'

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