
8 Jan 2024

Ram temple: This IPS Officer took part in kar seva in Ayodhya during his college years, tells how he feels as his dream comes true

As the foundation stone laying ceremony for the Ram temple in Ayodhya gains momentum, the fulfillment of a decades-old dream brings immense joy to IPS officer Raja Babu Singh, currently serving as IG Training in BSF, Delhi. Singh, part of the Madhya Pradesh cadre, actively participated in the kar seva in Ayodhya during his college years at Allahabad University in 1992.

Reflecting on those days, Singh expressed that the deep-rooted desire to witness Sri Ram Janmabhoomi with Ram Lalla enshrined was a driving force for him and his compatriots. The occasion stirred their faith in God, inspiring them to contribute to the kar seva in Ayodhya.

Having sought the blessings of Ram Lalla during his visit, Singh fervently prayed for the construction of a grand temple. Now, after 31 years, he is elated to see this dream come true. Singh, who served in various capacities such as SP in Rajgarh, Satna, Bhind, Chhindwara, and held positions as IG and ADG in Balaghat and Gwalior, contributed to the temple by donating a brick.

A resurgence of Indian culture 

For Singh, the completion of the Ram Temple is not just a personal triumph but a moment of pride for all Indians, transcending caste and community. He describes it as a resurgence of Indian culture and expresses his happiness at witnessing the realization of a dream shared by millions of Indians.

Recalling his brief glimpse of Ram Lalla during the kar seva, Singh shared that it was a profoundly emotional moment at the age of 25, filled with thrill and excitement. Today, as a senior police officer, he remains thrilled and delighted, emphasizing that the momentous occasion is not only his achievement but a shared victory for the entire nation.

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