Bhopal: The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi addressed the ‘Viksit Bharat Viksit Madhya Pradesh’ program on Thursday via video conferencing. During the programme, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone and dedicated to the nation multiple development projects worth about Rs 17,000 crores across Madhya Pradesh. The projects cater to many important sectors including irrigation, power, road, rail, water supply, coal, and industry, among others. The Prime Minister also launched the Cyber Tehsil project in Madhya Pradesh. The main programme organized at Lal Parade Ground in Bhopal was addressed by CM Dr Mohan Yadav.
9-day Vikramotsav begins from March 1
Noting the commencement of the 9-day Vikramotsav in Madhya Pradesh from Friday, PM said that it celebrates the glorious heritage of the state along with the current developments. He underlined that the Vedic Clock put up in Ujjain is proof of the government taking along heritage and development. “The government has reestablished the world’s first Vikramaditya Vedic Clock in Ujjain and it will become witness to the ‘kaal chakra’ when India is on the path to becoming a developed nation,” said Modi.
Projects launched by PM
The Prime Minister dedicated to the nation three railway projects constructed at a cost of more than Rs 2200 crores. These include projects for third line in Virangana Lakshmibai Jhansi – Jakhlaun & Dhaura – Agasod route; Gauge conversion project in New Sumaoli-Jora Alapur railway line; and project for Powarkheda-Jujharpur rail line flyover. These projects will improve rail connectivity and contribute to the socio-economic development of the region.
For providing impetus to industrial development in the state, PM Modi also laid the foundation stone of multiple industrial projects worth about Rs 1000 crore across Madhya Pradesh. The projects include Mega Leather, Footwear and Accessories Cluster at Sitapur in Morena district; Plug and Play Park for garment Industry in Indore; Industrial Park Mandsaur (Jaggakhedi Phase-2); and upgradation of Industrial Park Pithampur in Dhar district.
PM Modi dedicated to the nation coal sector projects worth more than 1000 crore including the Jayant OCP CHP Silo, NCL Singrauli; and Dudhichua OCP CHP-Silo.
Strengthening the power sector in Madhya Pradesh, the Prime Minister laid the foundation stones for six substations located in Panna, Raisen, Chhindwara and Narmadapuram districts.
The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone for various projects worth about Rs 880 crore under AMRUT 2.0 and other schemes for the augmentation and strengthening of water supply systems in several districts across the state. The Prime Minister also dedicated to the nation project for augmenting the water supply in Khargone.
In a step towards improving the delivery of government services, the Cyber Tehsil project in Madhya Pradesh will ensure paperless, faceless, end-to-end online disposal of mutation of sale-purchase of complete khasra and record correction in revenue records. The project, which is implemented in all 55 districts of the state, will also provide a single revenue court for the entire M.P. It also uses email/ WhatsApp for communicating a certified copy of the final order to the applicant.
The Prime Minister also laid the foundation stone of several important road projects in Madhya Pradesh, among other projects. The launch of these projects underscores the Prime Minister’s vision to provide a major boost to infrastructure, socioeconomic development and ease of living in Madhya Pradesh.
The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of irrigation projects worth more than Rs 5500 crores in Madhya Pradesh.
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