
23 Mar 2024

How Artificial Intelligence can clone your friend or kin's voice to cheat you and how you can protect yourself from this fraud?

Amidst the rapid changes in the world of technology, people are being advised not to trust everything and everyone.

Experts in the field of cyber security have issued this advisory amid reports of fraud targeting youths and senior citizens through artificial intelligence.

Big financial frauds are being committed by impersonating a person through AI. No evidence is left behind in this process so it is very difficult to catch culprits.

Fraudsters can use AI technology to clone voices, alter images and even create fake videos to spread false or misleading information.


In such situations, even investigation is difficult, leave alone bringing back the looted money. It has reached such a level that people are being advised not to accept calls from unknown numbers or unknown people.

Experts in the field of cyber security believe that to face these challenges, it is necessary to bring a change in thinking.

According to experts, in the new world you cannot trust everyone or everything. You have to mold yourself into a person who doubts everything. And don't trust all things and all people. Actually you need to bring a change in your thinking.

A shocking case has come to light in Madhya Pradesh in which a phone call was made to a person and a financial fraud was committed.

The person calling told the person answering the phone that his teenage son had committed rape and he would have to pay fifty thousand rupees to settle the case. The victim also heard his son crying.

On this the father immediately transferred fifty thousand rupees. Later it was found out that his son was absolutely fine. He had done nothing and it was a fake call.

This case is similar to those cases of fraud in which the fraudster impersonates a person. Fraudster tells the victim that his friend is stranded in an unknown country and needs money immediately.

In such cases, the person picking up the phone or receiving the message should not blindly trust such message or phone call.

There are many tools available on the internet that can take a sample of someone's voice and create deep-fake videos with their voice and mannerisms that cannot be traced. 

What precautions can you take

Install call verification app on your phone

Do not answer calls coming from unknown numbers, tell them to sent text message or Whatsapp message

If someone tells that he has met you then ask some question to confirm he is a genuine person such as which color's shirt were you wearing when he met you

Use commonsense, do not trust call coming from unknown number

Install anti-virus app in your phone

Anti-virus app helps you in identifying fake link

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