
23 Mar 2024

What Germany Said on Arvind Kejriwal's Arrest? India Registers Strong Protest

New Delhi: India has raised objections today regarding comments made by the German envoy concerning the arrest of Arvind Kejriwal in the Delhi liquor policy case. Sources within the Ministry of External Affairs labeled the envoy's remarks as "blatant interference in India's internal affairs."

The Deputy Head of Mission of the German Embassy, George Enzweiler, was summoned by the MEA to officially register a protest. Enzweiler was observed leaving the Ministry of External Affairs office in South Block, the national capital, this morning.

A spokesperson of India's Ministry of External Affairs said, "We see such remarks as interfering in our judicial process and undermining the independence of our judiciary. India is a vibrant and robust democracy with rule of law. As in all legal cases in the country, and elsewhere in the democratic world, law will take its own course in the instant matter. Biased assumptions made on this account are most unwarranted."

This protest follows shortly after the German Foreign Ministry expressed expectations for a fair and impartial trial for Kejriwal, emphasizing India's democratic principles.

"We acknowledge India as a democratic nation. We presume and anticipate that principles regarding the independence of the judiciary and fundamental democratic values will be upheld in this instance. Like any individual facing allegations, Mr. Kejriwal is entitled to a fair and impartial trial, including unrestricted access to legal recourse. The presumption of innocence is fundamental to the rule of law and should be applied to him," stated the spokesperson for the German Foreign Ministry.

Arvind Kejriwal stands accused in the Delhi liquor policy scam case, with the central agency alleging his involvement as a "conspirator." The Enforcement Directorate (ED) contends that the policy, now defunct, offered exorbitant profit margins of nearly 185% for retailers and 12% for wholesalers.

Do not harbor ill will towards anyone: Kejriwal's message from jail

Meanwhile, Kejriwal has issued a statement from jail. In the statement read by Sunita Kejriwal, Arvind Kejriwal's wife, the Delhi Chief Minister urged continued societal engagement and discouraged animosity toward even those affiliated with the ruling BJP, whom the Aam Aadmi Party accuses of manipulating investigative agencies.

"Continue contributing to society. Do not harbor ill will towards even BJP members. They are all part of our family," conveyed Sunita Kejriwal, reciting her husband's message.

"There are various internal and external forces attempting to undermine our nation. We must remain vigilant, identify these forces, and overcome them. Women in Delhi might be worried about my arrest. Who knows, they might receive Rs 1000. I urge them to trust their brother, their son. No prison can confine me for long. I will soon fulfill my promise," added the Delhi Chief Minister in his message.

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