
23 Mar 2024

(In Pics) PM Modi receives ceremonial welcome in Bhutan; Bhutanese youths present colorful programs

PM Narendra Modi met with His Majesty the King of Bhutan, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck in Thimphu on Friday. PM Modi thanked His Majesty for the exceptional public welcome accorded to him, with people greeting him all along the journey from Paro to Thimphu.

During PM Modi’s stay in Bhutan, the Bhutan youngsters presented colorful cultural programmes. 

PM Modi and His Majesty the King of Bhutan expressed deep satisfaction at the close and unique India-Bhutan friendship. 

The two leaders also discussed progress in connectivity and investment proposals including in the context of the Gelephu Mindfulness City project.

PM Modi also met His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the Fourth King of Bhutan. 

Earlier, PM Modi met Tshering Tobgay, Prime Minister of Bhutan in Thimphu over a working lunch hosted in his honour. 

The two leaders held discussions on various aspects of the multi- faceted bilateral relations and forged an understanding to further enhance cooperation in sectors such as renewable energy, agriculture, youth exchange, environment and forestry, and tourism. India and Bhutan enjoy long-standing and exceptional ties characterized by utmost trust, goodwill, and mutual understanding at all levels.

Ahead of the meeting, Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister of Bhutan witnessed exchange of several MoUs/Agreements on energy, trade, digital connectivity, space, agriculture, youth connect among others.

Prime Minister also inaugurated the Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Mother and Child Hospital in Thimphu, a state-of-the-art hospital, built with the assistance of the Government of India in Thimphu.

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