The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi inaugurated the 2550th Bhagwan Mahavir Nirvan Mahotsav on the auspicious occasion of Mahavir Jayanti at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi today. Modi paid tributes with rice and flower petals to Bhagwan Mahavir’s Murti and witnessed a dance drama presentation by school children on Bhagwan Mahavir Swami titled “Vartaman mein Vardhaman”.
Addressing the gathering, PM Modi remarked that the magnificent Bharat Mandapam is witness to the 2550th Bhagwan Mahavir Nirvan Mahotsav today. He said India is making a place for itself as ‘Vishwa Bandhu’ in a divided world. He said the new generation believes that India’s identity is its pride. India is proof that it becomes impossible to stop a nation when the feeling of self-respect awakens.
PM Modi also released a commemorative stamp and coin on the occasion. Referring to the dance drama presentation by school children on Bhagwan Mahavir Swami, the Prime Minister said that the dedication and commitment of the youth towards the values of Bhagwan Mahavir is a sign of the nation moving forward in the right direction. He also mentioned releasing a commemorative stamp and coin on the occasion and thanked the Jain community for their guidance and blessings.
Modi bowed before the saints from the Jain community and conveyed his best wishes to all citizens on the auspicious occasion of Mahavir Jayanti. The Prime Minister paid tributes to Acharya Vidyasagarji Maharaj and recalled his recent meeting with the Acharya and said that his blessings are still guiding us.
The Prime Minister emphasized the significance of the 2550th Bhagwan Mahavir Nirvan Mahotsav and noted various happy coincidences such as the initial phase of the Amrit Kaal when the nation was working towards a golden century of independence. He also noted the 75th year of the Constitution and the festival of democracy that will decide the future direction of the nation.
PM Modi said we are celebrating the Bhagwan Mahavir’s Nirvan Diwas even after 2500 years and I’m sure that the nation will continue to celebrate the values of Bhagwan Mahavir for thousands of years to come. He said teaching of our Tirthankaras have gained a new relevance in the time of many wars in the world.
Arjun Ram Meghwal, Union Minister of Law and Justice (IC) and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs & Culture was present on the occasion among other dignitaries and saints from the Jain community.
Bhagwan Mahavir, the 24th Tirthankar, illuminated the path of peaceful co-existence and universal brotherhood through Jain principles like Ahimsa (Non-Violence), Satya (Truthfulness), Asteya (Non-Stealing), Brahmacharya (Chastity) and Aparigraha (Non-attachment).
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