Before the Lok Sabha elections-2024, Congress has suffered the biggest setback so far in Indore. Actually, Congress candidate Akshay Bam in Indore has left the election field even before the elections. Akshay Kanti Bam reached the District Collector office with BJP MLA. Kailash Vijayvargiya has welcomed Akshay Bam into the BJP family.
BJP senior leader and MLA from Indore, Kailash Vijaywargiya, took to social media to welcome ex-Congress candidate Bam into the saffron clan.
Posting a picture with Bam, he captioned, "We welcome Akshay Kanti Bam ji, Congress Lok Sabha candidate from Indore in the BJP, under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi, National President JP Nadda, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav, and State President VD Sharma."
April 29 marks the deadline for withdrawing nominations in the Indore-Malwa region. Polling will be held in phase 4 on May 13.
This echoes a situation in Surat, Gujarat, where BJP candidate Mukesh Dalal was declared the victor unopposed when all other contenders, including Congress candidate Nilesh Khumbhani, withdrew on the final day of candidacy withdrawal, April 22.
Big blow to Jitu Patwari
This reversal is not only for Indore but also for Congress in Madhya Pradesh. Because it was Jitu Patwari who had finalized the ticket of Akshay Kanti Bam. It is believed that BJP played a big gamble and got Akshay Kanti Bam's nomination form withdrawn.
According to reports, after Khajuraho, Indore is the second Lok Sabha seat where no candidate from India Alliance is left.
Khajuraho seat was given to Samajwadi Party under the alliance but the nomination of its candidate Meira Yadav was rejected.
Priyanka Chaturvedi, leader of Shiv Sena (UBT), criticized the occurrence, labeling it as reminiscent of a "Russian style of democracy."At present, Akshay Bam has not given any reason behind withdrawing his nomination.
Before Akshay Bam, many leaders of Indore Congress had also left Congress and joined BJP. In which the name of MLA Sanjay Shukla is at the top. Congress has suffered a big setback in Indore before the Lok Sabha elections. Sanjay Shukla has blamed the leadership of Jitu Patwari for Akshay Bam joining BJP.
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