Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav visited Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) in Bengaluru on August 7. He expressed admiration for Tejas, an indigenous light combat aircraft, and was thrilled to experience sitting in it. During his visit, he learned about the construction and operational methods of various aircraft and helicopters produced by HAL.
Dr. Yadav noted that HAL has facilities in multiple locations across the country and announced the Madhya Pradesh government's plans to establish an aerospace and defense development wing in the state in collaboration with HAL. He assured that the government would facilitate the necessary groundwork, including land acquisition, through a streamlined process. CM said a nodal officer would be appointed to oversee the establishment of the unit.
CM Dr. Mohan Yadav inspected the equipping and final assembly processes at HAL, gaining insights into the manufacturing sequence of the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA). He explored various stages of production, including structural assembly, coupling, equipping, and testing. To further his understanding, Dr. Yadav boarded the Tejas aircraft to inquire about its safety features and operational capabilities.
Additionally, he sat in the Dhruv helicopter, where he received a briefing on its features from the pilot. CM Dr. Mohan Yadav congratulated HAL's officers and employees for their contributions to developing aircraft and defense equipment using indigenous technology. He also signed the visitor's book during his visit. HAL Chairman and Managing Director C.B. Krishna honored Dr. Yadav with a replica of the Anant Tejas fighter aircraft as a gesture of respect.
HAL is a prominent public sector undertaking of the Government of India, specializing in the manufacturing of products for the aeronautical and defense sectors, and plays a crucial role in advancing indigenous military and aviation capabilities.
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