In a momentous celebration marking the first-ever National Space Day, Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh announced here today that an Indian will land on the surface of Moon, fifteen years from now, in the year 2040.
Addressing the nation in the august presence of President of India Droupadi Murmu, Dr Jitendra Singh reflected on India’s remarkable achievements in Space exploration and its ambitious future goals in a majestic programme held at Bharat Mandapam.
Dr Jitendra Singh highlighted the historic landing of Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon's South Pole, a feat that astonished the world and established India as a leader in space exploration.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Minister recalled, had announced that August 23rd, 2023 would be celebrated nationwide as National Space Day, and the landing site of Chandrayaan-3 would be named ‘Shiv Shakti Point.’ The theme for this inaugural celebration, "Touching Lives while Touching the Moon: India's Space Saga," resonated throughout the event.
"In the last six decades, India has not only touched the lives of its citizens but also reached the Moon," said Dr. Jitendra Singh. He emphasized the significant progress made in the past decade, including the successful Mars Orbiter Mission, the launch of AstroSat, Chandrayaan-2, and Chandrayaan-3, the upcoming Aditya-L1 solar mission, and the XPoSat, an X-Ray astronomy mission.
Dr Singh noted the significant increase in Space startups, now numbering nearly 300, following the opening of the Space sector to private participation.
Space Vision 2047
Looking ahead, Dr. Jitendra Singh outlined the Space Vision 2047, which includes the commissioning of the Bharatiya Antariksha Station (BAS) by 2035 and Indian astronauts landing on the Moon by 2040. He expressed confidence that what begins with human spaceflight in Low Earth Orbit will expand to India’s own scientific activities onboard an indigenous space station, leading to further lunar exploration and beyond.
Dr. Singh also underscored the impact of space applications on sectors such as fisheries, agriculture, natural resource management, disaster management, and satellite communication, which have all benefited from India’s space advancements.
As the nation celebrates its first National Space Day, Dr. Jitendra Singh expressed confidence that this annual event will inspire greater awareness and enthusiasm among citizens about India’s space journey and its future endeavors.
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