Mumbai: The chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Madhabi Puri Buch, has categorically rejected the recent report by short-seller firm Hindenburg Research, describing it as "baseless allegations and insinuations." Both Buch and her husband, Dhaval Buch, described the report as an attempt at "character assassination" following SEBI's actions against the short-seller.
Hindenburg Research has claimed in a report that the SEBI chairperson and her husband had a stake in the offshore funds used in the 'Adani money siphoning scam'.
In July, SEBI had identified violations by Hindenburg and its sole beneficial owner, Nathan Anderson, in relation to the SEBI Act, the Prevention of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices regulations, and the Code of Conduct for Research Analysts.
In her statement, the SEBI chairperson expressed readiness to provide any financial documents if requested by authorities.
A joint statement by Madhabi Puri Buch and her husband Dhaval Buch said the allegations made in the Hindenburg Report dated August 10, 2024, are entirely unfounded. Our lives and finances are transparent. We have consistently provided all required disclosures to SEBI over the years. We are willing to disclose any and all financial documents, including those from when we were private citizens, to any authority that requests them. Additionally, to ensure complete transparency, we will issue a detailed statement in due course, said the statement.
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