The film 'The Diary of West Bengal' was released in theaters on August 30. Since its release, the film has received a very positive response from the audience. Viewers are enjoying the film and showering it with affection. While actors like Yajur Marwah, Ramendra Chakarwarti, and Arshin Mehta are being praised, director Sanjog Mishra is also receiving commendations for his direction.
The film’s story and its presentation are being widely discussed. There are several scenes that will leave you astounded and send chills down your spine. The VFX used in the film is also well-executed, contributing to the audience's mesmerization. Critics had also praised the film before the audience's reactions.
While watching the film, viewers are reminded of 'The Kerala Story' and 'The Kashmir Files'. 'The Diary of West Bengal' depicts the impact of Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis on Hindus in West Bengal. It also sheds light on media operations and the workings of the state government during that period.
The film is produced by Raj Mishra and Wasim Rizvi, with music credited to Nadeem Ahmad, Afsar Ali, and A.R. Dutta. The director of the film is Sanjog Mishra.
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