
7 Jul 2023

Rajasthan: Panic After Leopard Hunts Cow in Jaipur's Jaisingh Pura Khor

Leopard movement is increasing in the populated area of Jaipur. Leopard entered a house late on Thursday night while searching for food. 

Leopard hunted the cow tied inside the house. After eating the cow, the leopard went away. Panic spread among the people on Friday morning when Leopard's movement was detected. 

Leopard's pug marks found

The team of Jaisinghpura Khor Police Station and Forest Department reached the spot and investigated. The Forest Department team has found leopard's pug marks.

Police said that after the leopard movement was detected in the populated area of Jaisingh Pura Khor, panic spread among the people. In search of food, Leopard reached Shyamwalon ki Dhani on Thursday night. While searching for food, it entered the house of Vinod Kumar Saini, who lives in Dhani. 

Leopard attacked after finding the cow tied inside the house. Leopard hunted down the tied cow and killed it. After eating the cow, the leopard went away. As people woke up at around 5 in the morning, the cow was found lying dead, which had been eaten up by some wild animal.

The arrival of the wild animal in the populated area was informed to the Forest Department along with the police. From the point of view of security, the police and forest department team reached the spot. 

Search is on for the leopard

A search is on for the leopard that entered the populated area and hunted the cow. Local people say that about 15 days ago, Leopard had hunted a cow in the nearby Amliwalon Ki Dhani. The Forest Department had caught the leopard by putting a cage. But, was released back into the wild. In such a situation, panic has spread in Jaisinghpura Khor area due to the knock of wild animal.

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