
9 Dec 2023

Madhya Pradesh: Who will be new PCC Chief after Kamal Nath? What Arun Yadav said?


After the Congress's crushing defeat in Madhya Pradesh, Kamal Nath had sent his resignation to the Congress high command to be relieved of the responsibility of State Congress Committee President, but at present that resignation has not been accepted. But already questions like who will take over the post of PCC Chief after Kamal Nath are being raised. 

Many contenders have started coming forward to become the state Congress president. Former PCC Chief Arun Yadav, while talking to the media, has also expressed his opinion regarding who will become the new president of the State Congress Committee.

I will fulfill any responsibility given to me: Yadav

Arun Yadav said that he is a small worker of Congress. On his part, he has not told the Congress high command to make him PCC Chief. But if the Congress high command gives him any responsibility, he will fulfill it. Whatever responsibility the Congress Party sets for him, he will fulfill it with full honesty.

Congress won both seats of Harda

Congress has won both the seats of Harda district, the responsibility of which was with Arun Yadav. Happy with this victory, Arun Yadav says BJP leaders were contesting elections on both the seats of Harda. One of them was a minister. But all of them have been defeated and the public has expressed its confidence in the Congress MLAs. Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel has lost from Harda.

We will correct the mistakes that we have made

The defeat of Congress in the state is a serious matter. We are brainstorming on this issue at all levels, said Yadav. We will correct the mistakes that we have made and try again. We had high hopes that the government will be formed but we will review why we could not form the government. Cloth tearing politics has nothing to do with this defeat. Our workers have struggled a lot for Congress.

‘Defeat of youth leaders will be reviewed’

On the defeat of youth leaders, Arun Yadav said that Jitu Patwari, Kunal Chaudhary, Sanjay Shukla are all our party youth leaders and their defeat will be reviewed. At the same time, EVM malfunction is a matter worthy of investigation. 

Congress has won in ballot paper but BJP has lost in EVM. Arun Yadav says that he is not saying that EVM is responsible for this. EVM can also be a reason and some of our mistakes can also be the reason. BJP has won this election by deceit. We are not going to back down. Will re-establish Congress in Madhya Pradesh.

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