Bengaluru woman CEO Suchana Seth and her husband Venkat Raman came face to face at Calangute police station in Goa on Saturday. Suchana and her husband had expressed their desire to meet each other. The police allowed them to meet for 15 minutes. Suchana Seth, the CEO of Bengaluru start-up Mindful AI Lab, is accused of murdering her 4-year-old son in a north Goa hotel.
During the meeting at the police station, Suchana said- As long as I am in police custody, you are free. Because of you I am in this condition today.
Suchana also denied the allegations of murder of her 4-year-old son. Husband Venkat also expressed his frustration and asked that when you did not kill the child then how did he die.
Venkat had reached Calangute police station in Goa along with his lawyer on Saturday to record his statement. He was in Indonesia at the time of his son's murder. After receiving the news of his son's death from the police, he came to India on 9 January and performed the last rites of his son in Bengaluru on 10 January.
Suchana shared with police some facts related to her son's murder
Goa Police said that based on the statement of Suchana Seth, the crime scene was recreated for one and a half hours on Friday (January 12). The police took Suchana to the hotel room where she was staying with her son.
During the crime scene recreation, Suchana shared some things related to the murder of her four-year-old son with the police. She told where her son had slept in the hotel room in Goa, where her suitcase was kept and how she had kept her son's body in the suitcase.
She also told how after her son's death, she cut her wrist with a knife and tried to commit suicide. Police said that Suchana had booked a one-way flight ticket from Bengaluru to Goa. Perhaps her intention was to return by road only.
Court had allowed father to talk to the child through phone or video call
Suchana's husband's lawyer Azhar Mir spoke to the media on Saturday. He told that there was a fight between the couple for the custody of the child in a family court in Bengaluru for the last one year. The court had allowed the father to talk to the child through phone or video call.
In November 2023, the court had allowed the father to meet the child at home every Sunday. However, Suchana had said that the father should meet his son in some cafe. Venkat was going to meet his son on 7th January i.e. Sunday.
Venkat went to Suchana's house at 10 am on January 7 and waited till 11 am. He also sent a message to Suchana, but did not receive any reply. Suchana was not allowing Venkat to meet the child for the last 5 Sundays.
Advocate Azhar said that Venkat does not want justice for his child, who is no longer in this world. Whether Suchana is punished or gets bail, it will not make any difference to Raman.
Police had found a note written on tissue paper from Suchana's bag
Earlier, police had also found a note written on tissue paper from Suchana's bag. It is written in it - The court and my husband are putting pressure on me regarding the custody of my child. My husband is violent. I can't give him my child even for a day.
Police said that the note was written on tissue paper with eyeliner or kajal pencil. Suchana had written the note and torn it. The police joined the pieces of tissue paper and read the message written on it.
Police believe that it could be a suicide note, as Suchana had cut the vein of her hand after killing her son. Police have seized a knife, towel, pillow and a red bag from the hotel room. This note, a crucial piece of evidence, sheds light on Suchana's mental state, indicating that the custody dispute had been weighing heavily on her.
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