
19 Jan 2024

Japan becomes fifth country to reach lunar surface

Japan staked a claim among national space powers on Friday, as its SLIM spacecraft reached the lunar surface.

However, after confirming the landing, Japan's Space Agency did not tell whether it was a hard landing or a soft landing.

The country’s SLIM touched down on the lunar surface around 10:20 AM ET (Eastern Time), according to telemetry readings by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA. Engineers were checking the status of the spacecraft shortly after its landing.

The feat makes Japan the fifth country to land on the Moon, following Russia (then the Soviet Union), the U.S., China and India. Last year, India joined the list of Moon landings with its Chandrayaan-3 mission.

Japan's SLIM, which stands for “Smart Lander for Investigating Moon,” is a cargo research mission. It carries a variety of scientific payloads, including an analysis camera and a pair of lunar rovers.

Govt and private companies have made over 50 attempts to land on Moon

Governments and private companies alike have made more than 50 attempts to land on the moon with mixed success since the first attempts in the early 1960s, a track record that’s remained shaky even in the modern era.

Last year, Japanese company ispace made its first attempt to land on the moon, but the spacecraft crashed in the final moments. And, earlier this month, U.S. company Astrobotic got its first moon mission off the ground but encountered problems shortly after launch. The flight was cut short and failed to make a lunar landing attempt.

More attempts are on the way, with U.S. companies Intuitive Machines and Firefly preparing to fly moon landers this year, while China plans to launch another lunar lander in May.

Former NASA scientist Dr. Emma Gatti has described this effort as unprecedented.

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