
2 Jan 2024

Drivers' strike: Over 20 petrol pumps run out of fuel in Bhopal

The widespread impact of the drivers' strike was also seen in the Madhya Pradesh capital Bhopal and other cities of the state. Many petrol pumps ran out of fuel. At many places, long queues of people were seen waiting to fill fuel. Petrol-Diesel Association accused the administration of not helping. However, lateon Monday evening, with the help of police, oil tankers were transported from the depot to the pumps, so that the shortage could be overcome.

Shortage of petrol and diesel started at petrol pumps in the state on Monday. Petrol pumps went dry at many places including the capital Bhopal. This situation arose because petrol and diesel tankers did not reach the petrol pump from the depot due to the strike by truck drivers.

Due to rumors of petrol and diesel running out, long queues of people formed at the pumps. People were seen standing in long queues in Bhopal. People started filling fuel as per their requirement for two to three days. Due to sudden increase in demand for petrol and non-arrival of tankers, around 15 petrol pumps in the city ran dry by evening.

The Patidar Pump located near Aakriti Eco City in Salaiya was closed in the evening due to exhaustion of fuel. At the same time, long queues of vehicles remained at the petrol pump located near Aakriti Green City till evening.

Tankers remained standing in depot, administration did not help

President of Madhya Pradesh Petroleum Dealers Association, Ajay Singh said that our tankers filled with petrol and diesel remained standing at Bakania depot. We could not get any security from the administration. This situation persists in entire Madhya Pradesh. He said that this is also an intelligence failure. Milk and petrol-diesel vehicles are not stopped. Some people were stopping people at Patel intersection in the presence of police.

Consumption of 1.45 crore liters in a day

Ajay Singh said that 10 lakh liters of petrol and 12 lakh liters of diesel are consumed daily in Bhopal district. On Monday, due to the strike, when people came to fill fuel, about 16 lakh liters of petrol and 13 to 14 lakh liters of diesel got exhausted in a single day. The fuel kept in stock at petrol pumps also got exhausted at many places. 1.45 crore liters of petrol and diesel are consumed daily in the entire state.

Collector's assurance

Bhopal Collector Ashish Singh issued a message late in the evening that there is adequate supply of petrol and diesel in Bhopal district. Smooth supply of fuel will continue. He directed to make arrangements to supply fuel from the depot to the pumps under the supervision of police and administration, so that the shortage can be overcome.

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