As the Lok Sabha polls-2024 loom, the BJP is addressing lingering issues within its Rajasthan unit, particularly focusing on rebuilding ties with former two-term chief minister Vasundhara Raje. Officially, there's no apparent discord between Raje and the party, but recent absences from party events prompted Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma to visit her residence in the Civil Lines area, signaling an effort to mend relations.
Despite being a six-time MLA and five-time MP, Raje missed out on the CM position after the BJP's victory in the late-2023 Assembly polls. Instead, the party leadership appointed first-time MLA Sharma. Following this, Raje distanced herself from the party, skipping key events, including the ministers' oath-taking ceremony and a crucial meeting for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
Strategic move to normalize relations
CM Sharma's recent meeting with Raje is viewed as a strategic move to normalize relations before the upcoming polls. Recognizing her significant influence, particularly in the Hadoti region and across Rajasthan, party leaders emphasize her importance and consider her indispensable for the party.
In pursuit of a third consecutive clean sweep in Rajasthan, the BJP aims to maintain its dominance in all 25 parliamentary seats. Despite the party's strong position, it remains cautious not to compromise its prospects in any constituency.
BJP is keen on ensuring Raje's support
Learning from recent experiences, such as the Karanpur by-election, the BJP is keen on ensuring Raje's support and satisfaction. With aspirations to surpass its 2019 seat tally, the party is keen on retaining its existing seats and potentially gaining more.
After a brief period of silence following the denial of CM post, Raje has reemerged, participating in symbolic gestures like a saffron chadar offering at Ajmer Dargah and temple visits in Jaipur.
Her recent activities, including meeting the Governor and engaging in her Jhalrapatan Assembly constituency, suggest increased political involvement as the BJP endeavors to strengthen its position ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.
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