Along with Vaibhav Gehlot, the Congress Party candidate from Jalore-Sirohi Lok Sabha seat in Rajasthan, his entire family has entered the election fray. Daughter Kashwini Gehlot, studying in ninth class, says that her exams are over, but school is continuing. She has left school to support her father in this election exam.
Wife Himanshi Gehlot said that now Jalore is our home. She is with her husband Vaibhav Gehlot and is going among the women at Ground Zero.
Himanshi Gehlot said that women still feel that they are considered inferior to men. In such a situation no one comes to ask for votes from women. Himanshi is doing door to door campaign.
She says that people wished that Vaibhav Gehlot's family should come and meet them like a family. People have seen the development during the tenure of Congress and have also seen what happened after that. Now people have made up their mind. People have become disillusioned with BJP.
Last time Vaibhav had contested from the Jodhpur Lok Sabha seat and was defeated by Gajendra Singh Shekhawat.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has made significant changes in its candidate lineup for the Jalore Lok Sabha constituency. Devaji Patel, the incumbent MP, has been replaced by farmer Lumbaram Chaudhary from Sirohi district. Chaudhary, a long-time BJP worker, has held several positions within the party and is now set to contest from Jalore.
BJP dominant in Jalore
BJP has been dominant in Jalore, winning the seat in the last four Lok Sabha elections. In recent years, the Jalore Lok Sabha constituency has seen significant political shifts. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has maintained a strong hold, winning the seat consecutively in the past four Lok Sabha elections. Devji Patel, a prominent BJP leader, secured victories in 2009, 2014, and 2019, establishing himself as a key figure in the region's politics.
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