
29 May 2024

MP: 8 members of same family axed to death in Chhindwara

Chhindwara Murder Case: A heart-wrenching case has come to light from Chhindwara in Madhya Pradesh where 8 people of a family were killed by a member of their own family. According to the information, all the people have been killed with an axe. After committing the murder, the killer himself committed suicide by hanging himself on a tree. Police have reached the spot to investigate the matter.

The incident is from village Bodal Kachhar of Mahuljhir police station area of ​​​​Chhindwara district. SP Manish Khatri has confirmed the death of 8 people. A child is injured in this incident. After this sensational case came to light, there is a stir in the area.

Killer was mentally ill: SP

The SP said that the killer was a member of the family, was mentally ill. Last night he killed 8 members of his family including his brother, sister-in-law, wife and small child. After that he committed suicide by hanging himself from a tree near a drain 100 meters away from the village.

Victims were axed while sleeping

All eight victims were axed while they were sleeping.The youth attempted to axe other members of his extended family, but a woman who had woken up to attend nature's call saw him. The accused then escaped and later hanged himself.

Accused was married on May 21 

Talvi Singh Patel, the uncle of the accused, said."Dinesh, 27, was my nephew and the son of my late elder brother. He lost his mental balance a year ago. However, after treatment, he had been living a normal life. We got him married this year on May 21. However, just a couple of days after the marriage, he developed psychological problems again."

Talvi said, "During the night, he axed his wife Varsha Bai, his elder brother Sharvan, Sharvan’s wife Barato Bai, his mother Siya Bai, and three children of Sharvan and his younger sister. All these people were sleeping in the courtyard. One of my elder sisters-in-law had woken up to attend nature's call when she saw him with an axe and tried to snatch it. He then attacked her grandson, who sustained injuries. My sister-in-law called for her son Apatiya, who was sleeping inside, and then Dinesh escaped and later hanged himself from a tree." 

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