
17 May 2024

What Action These 9 Ministers of Madhya Pradesh Government May Face Following Lok Sabha Elections-2024

Following the Lok Sabha elections-2024, there is a possibility that the BJP high command may take significant actions against 9 ministers of the Madhya Pradesh government. Despite warnings from Amit Shah, the voting percentage in 9 assembly constituencies in Madhya Pradesh was notably lower than in the previous elections. 

In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, there was a total of 71.12 percent voter turnout across 29 seats in Madhya Pradesh, whereas in the recent elections, the turnout decreased to 66.87 percent across the same number of seats.

This decline in voting percentage, approximately 4 percent lower than the previous elections, has raised concerns within the BJP leadership. Particularly after the first phase of voting, where a 7 percent decrease in voting was observed in Madhya Pradesh, Amit Shah cautioned that ministers with lower voting in their constituencies could face removal from their positions.

Reduced voting in 9 seats of MP

Subsequently, it was discovered that post-elections, there was reduced voting in 9 seats of Madhya Pradesh, all represented by MLAs who are cabinet ministers in the state government. These ministers include Dilip Ahirwar, Andal Singh Kanshana, Narendra Shivaji Patel, Pradyuman Singh Tomar, Vijay Shah, Rakesh Singh, Nagar Singh Chauhan, Chaitanya Kashyap, and Vishwas Sarang, with voting percentages lower by 1 to 6 percent in their respective constituencies. The BJP high command is expected to make decisions regarding their positions after the election results are announced.

Speculations suggest that these ministers may be relieved of their duties, potentially paving the way for new MLAs to assume ministerial roles. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the BJP might reward MLAs from constituencies with increased voter turnout by offering them ministerial positions. 

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