
1 Feb 2025

Union Budget 2025-26: PM Dhan-Dhaanya Krishi Yojana to Be Launched In 100 Low Crop Productivity Districts, Will Help 1.7 Crore Farmers to Enhance Productivity,

Spurring agricultural growth and productivity is one of the development measures proposed in the Union Budget 2025-26. Agriculture is one of the four powerful engines amongst MSME, Investment and Exports, stated Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, while presenting the Union Budget 2025-26, in the Parliament today.

Specific proposals proposed in the Union Budget to strengthen productivity and resilience in agriculture are as follows:

Dhan-Dhaanya Krishi Yojana-Developing Agri Districts Programme

Nirmala Sitharaman stated that motivated by the success of the Aspirational Districts Programme, the Government will undertake a ‘Prime Minister Dhan-Dhaanya Krishi Yojana’ in partnership with states. Through the convergence of existing schemes and specialized measures, the programme will cover 100 districts with low productivity, moderate crop intensity and below-average credit parameters. 

The programme aims to enhance agricultural productivity; adopt crop diversification and sustainable agriculture practices; augment post-harvest storage at the panchayat and block level; improve irrigation facilities and facilitate availability of long-term and short-term credit. This programme is likely to help 1.7 crore farmers.

Building Rural Prosperity and Resilience

A comprehensive multi-sectoral ‘Rural Prosperity and Resilience’ programme will be launched in partnership with states, added the Union Finance Minister. This will address under-employment in agriculture through skilling, investment, technology, and invigorating the rural economy. The goal is to generate ample opportunities in rural areas so that migration is an option, but not a necessity. She further added that the programme will focus on rural women, young farmers, rural youth, marginal and small farmers, and landless families. 

Aatmanirbharta in Pulses

Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman highlighted that the Government is implementing the National Mission for Edible Oilseed for achieving atmanirbhrata in edible oils. With rising incomes and better affordability, consumption of pulses has increased significantly. She further emphasized that the Government will launch a 6-year “Mission for Aatmanirbharta in Pulses” with a special focus on Tur, Urad and Masoor. 

Vegetables & Fruits

A comprehensive programme to promote production, efficient supplies, processing, and remunerative prices for farmers will be launched in partnership with states. 

The Union Finance Minister stated that Public Sector Banks will develop ‘Grameen Credit Score’ framework to serve the credit needs of SHG members and people in rural areas.

Prakash Kumar Pandey

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