
30 Oct 2023

MP Elections 2023: BJP Gave Ticket To These 2 Leaders; Their Rebellion Had Harmed Party In Past

MP Elections 2023: With less than 3 weeks remaining in voting for Madhya Pradesh Elections-2023, the BJP is continuously doing damage control and trying to ensure that the rebellion is controlled and the party is not harmed. The party has fielded two leaders who had in the past rebelled against BJP from Bhind district and given them tickets. Party has given tickets to Rakesh Shukla from Mehgaon and Narendra Singh Kushwaha from Bhind.

Kushwaha won from Bhind on BJP ticket in 2003

In the year 2003, Narendra Singh Kushwaha won from Bhind assembly seat on BJP ticket and was elected MLA.

Narendra Singh rebelled in 2008 when denied ticket

But in the year 2008, the ticket of MLA Narendra Singh Kushwaha was canceled and in his place Ram Lakhan Singh, MP from Bhind Datia Lok Sabha seat, was fielded. Upset over this, MLA Narendra Singh Kushwaha rebelled against the BJP party and joined the Samajwadi Party and contested the elections from Bhind assembly seat, due to which the BJP had to bear the loss. Narendra Singh Kushwaha himself lost the election but BJP candidate Ram Lakhan Singh also lost the election badly. After this Narendra Singh Kushwaha returned to BJP.

Narendra Singh’s ticket was again cut in 2018 

In the year 2018, Narendra Singh Kushwaha's ticket was once again canceled in Bhind Assembly and in his place, Rakesh Choudhary, who left Congress and joined BJP, was fielded by BJP. Once again Narendra Singh Kushwaha rebelled against BJP and joined Samajwadi Party. 

This time also Narendra Singh Kushwaha contested the elections but this time also he lost the elections. After the elections were over, Narendra Singh Kushwaha returned to BJP. 

Now the situation in Madhya Pradesh is such that BJP wants to form the government by winning the elections at any cost. This is the reason why this time BJP has fielded both the rebel leaders by giving them tickets.

Rakesh Shukla's rebellion

On the other hand in 2013, BJP canceled the ticket of MLA Rakesh Shukla, who had won from Mehgaon Assembly seat in the 2008 elections, and in his place Mukesh Chaudhary, younger brother of Rakesh Chaudhary, who left Congress and joined BJP, was fielded. After his ticket was canceled, Rakesh Shukla rebelled against BJP. He joined the Loktantrik Samajwadi Party and contested the 2013 elections from the Loktantrik Samajwadi Party in Mehgaon Assembly, but he could not win.

Both the leaders were in touch with Congress

BJP has made Narendra Singh Kushwaha its candidate from Bhind assembly seat. At the same time, it has fielded Rakesh Shukla as its candidate from Mehgaon assembly seat. Overall, BJP has tried to pacify the rebel leaders, because BJP was afraid that if it cuts the tickets of both the leaders, they would rebel against the party again. There were continuous reports coming from the sources that Narendra Singh Kushwaha and Rakesh Shukla are in touch with the Congress and if their ticket is cut then they will join the Congress and contest against the BJP candidate.

BJP was afraid that like before, this time also BJP might suffer loss. Therefore, BJP has harnessed both the rebellious leaders and fielded them by giving them tickets.

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