The film Laapata Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao and made under the banner of Aamir Khan Productions, will be released in theaters on March 1. In this film, Bhopal artiste Kanupriya Rishimum will be seen acting with actor Ravi Kishan. Kanupriya has increased her weight by 10 kg to appear natural for her role.
Kanupriya Rishimum of Bhopal is also an excellent scriptwriter, artist and voice over artist, who has been working in Mumbai for the last 8 years. She is also trying to take her Bundeli cinema to the national level. Recently, the film Lapata Ladies, which is releasing on March 1, is trending as well as being discussed a lot these days.
The most special thing about the film is that the dialogues and songs are in regional languages and are being appreciated in every region of India.
Giving information about the Lapata Ladies, Kanupriya said that in the trailer you will see a man who brings his bride to the village by train after marriage. When the bride removes her veil and appears at the door, the groom and his family are stunned. Everyone sees that instead of their daughter-in-law, some other woman is standing in front of them. This is where all the hustle and bustle begins.
Kanupriya says that like every other project, this film has also gone through many ups and downs since its inception. The film has been shot with great enthusiasm, a lot of love and hard work.
'It was like living a dream'
Kanupriya says that this was not just a project for her it was like living a dream. She told an interesting story related to her career and a scene from the film. She informs that she has a scene in the film, in which she has to scare the hero by cutting the kernel with a fork and not by speaking... due to which my character became powerful. I will always remember this.
'I had to keep myself without makeup for several months'
Regarding the selection in the audition, she told that I had auditioned for this film in which I was asked to gain 8 to 10 kg of weight to play the character. To look rough on the screen, I had to keep myself without makeup for several months. I had to play the character of a female wrestler of the 90s who does not talk much but directly intimidates without speaking... which was quite challenging.
Premium show of the trailer of Laapata Ladies released in Bhopal
The premium show of the trailer of Laapata Ladies has been released in Bhopal. This is quite interesting to see. The Laapata Ladies is directed by Kiran Rao, who has co-produced the project with acclaimed actor Aamir Khan. The dialogues were written by Sneha Desai.
The Laapata Ladies recently gained international recognition. It was screened at the prestigious Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Laapata Ladies stars Durgesh Kumar, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Srivastava, Chhaya Kadam and Ravi Kishan and Kaunpriya in the lead roles. It is the story of two young brides who are separated by a train journey.
Worked in many films and serials
Kanupriya is originally a resident of Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. She has been interested in cultural activities since childhood. Her activity was visible in dance, debate, and drama, especially Bundeli folk dance. She did a Master of Journalism and then obtained a Diploma in Creative Writing from IGNOU. She worked as a script writer and voice over artist in Doordarshan, and also acted in Doordarshan serials.
Kanupriya also worked as an announcer and compiler in Akashvani Sagar. After coming to work in Mumbai, she participated in Crime Patrol, Savdhaan India, Crime Alert, and many other episodic serials.
Then in 2018 she started her production house Rishimam, where she produced films like Double Dhara, Kalakar, Trupti, Anklet, Flat No. 611, short films like, Aks, Tohfa. She recently completed the directorial debut of the children's film Trupti in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh for the National and International Short Film Festival and the story of a father-daughter relationship involving theater artiste.
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