
17 Mar 2024

Madhya Pradesh: What Jitu Patwari said about Cong leaders joining BJP

Bhopal: Following the Election Commission of India's announcement of the dates for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Madhya Pradesh Congress President Jitu Patwari revealed that the Congress would unveil the remaining candidates' names within two days. Patwari also criticized recent defections from the Congress Party to the BJP, suggesting that those who joined BJP were being marginalized within the saffron party.

Speaking to the media on Sunday, Patwari stated, "During the second day of the CEC meeting, we will disclose the candidates for the remaining MP seats." 

Most of the reserved category seats were declared in first list of MP Congress

Leaders who join BJP getting no respect

Without directly mentioning former Union Minister Suresh Pachauri, who recently joined the BJP, Patwari remarked, "A senior leader from our ranks has departed, now being photographed seated in the third row. It's evident how much respect remains for those who leave Congress."

The MP Congress state president further criticized the government over electoral bonds, alleging that the BJP had used them to purchase the MLAs. "Following the exposure of electoral bond corruption, it's apparent that no one surpasses the Modi government in corruption. Electoral bonds have become symbols of extortion. This revelation surfaced following the Supreme Court's rebuke," he asserted.

Modi's Unfulfilled Promises

Patwari launched an attack on the ruling party and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing them of reneging on promises made after the assembly elections. He expressed the public's disappointment and frustration, claiming that BJP failed to fulfill any guarantee from 2014 to 2023. Patwari emphasized that Modi's governance had led to increased corruption, contrary to his earlier pledges for a corruption-free India.

He added, "The extent of corruption and mismanagement in the PM Care Fund will come to light. Congress has granted numerous rights such as information and education. Once we gain power, we'll provide Rs 1 lakh annually to every graduate. We'll ensure social justice for women and waive farmers' loans along with implementing support prices."

'Unsuccessful CM’

Patwari said, "There's rampant corruption throughout Madhya Pradesh. The situation of officers hasn't improved, with many positions remaining vacant. Yadav has proven to be an unsuccessful Chief Minister. Congress will vigorously advocate for farmers' rights in Madhya Pradesh."

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