
4 Apr 2024

Himachal Pradesh: Chamba Shaken by 5.3 Magnitude Earthquake, People Rush Out Of Homes

Chamba town in Himachal Pradesh experienced a 5.3 magnitude earthquake on Thursday evening. Strong tremors were felt across the region, including in Manali, approximately 100 km away. Fortunately, there have been no reports of significant damage.

The earthquake struck Chamba at 9:34 pm at a depth of 10 km, as reported by the National Center for Seismology. 

Residents described the experience, with a local from Manali, Rakesh, stating, "Felt quite strong tremors in Manali. It lasted for about seven seconds." He said people came out of their houses and many of them are afraid to return to their homes as they are fearful. 

Ritika Kumari, a resident of Chandigarh, shared his experience, saying, "I felt a strong jolt lasting a couple of seconds. Just when I was thinking of rushing downstairs, the tremors stopped."

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