Bhopal: After a long brainstorming, Congress has announced candidates for the remaining three Lok Sabha seats of Madhya Pradesh. The party has nominated Praveen Pathak from Gwalior, Narendra Patel from Khandwa and Satyapal Sikarwar from Morena. With the announcement of candidates on these seats, the situation has become clear in terms of candidates on all the 29 parliamentary seats of the state.
Churning going on for a long time on three seats
It is noteworthy that Congress had released three lists earlier. In which 10 names were included in one list, 12 in the second list and three names were included in the third list, thus Congress had announced candidates for 25 seats. There was churning going on for a long time on three seats. Now Congress has released the fourth list and made the status of all the seats clear.
Congress will contest on 28 seats
It is noteworthy that Congress will contest elections only on 28 out of 29 Lok Sabha seats in Madhya Pradesh. Khajuraho seat was given by Congress to Samajwadi Party under the agreement. Here SP had made Meera Yadav its candidate, but the District Election Officer has rejected her nomination.
Satyapal Sikarwar candidate on Morena-Sheopur seat
Congress has made Satyapal Sikarwar 'Neetu' its candidate from Morena-Sheopur seat. He has been a BJP MLA from Somawali. BJP had expelled him from the party due to allegations of betrayal in the 2020 assembly by-elections. Satyapal Sikarwar's elder brother Satish Sikarwar is Congress MLA from Gwalior and sister-in-law Shobha Sikarwar is Gwalior Mayor.
There will be a direct fight between Cong and BJP
On the other hand, BJP has fielded candidates on all the seats of Madhya Pradesh. Gyaneshwar Patil has been fielded from Khandwa, Shivmangal Singh Tomar from Morena and Bharat Singh Kushwaha from Gwalior. There will be a direct contest between Congress and BJP on all three seats. Narendra Patel will face Gyaneshwar in Khandwa, Shivmangal Singh will face Satyapal Singh Sikarwar in Morena. Whereas in Gwalior, Congress's Praveen Pathak will face BJP's Bharat Singh Kushwaha.
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