
5 May 2024

What is so special about Japanese Miyazaki mangoes? They are offered to Mahakal in Ujjain

The Mahakal Temple situated in Ujjain receives offerings from across the globe, but there's one offering creating quite a buzz lately. It's no ordinary gesture; it's the presentation of what's touted as the world's most expensive mango. Originating from Japan, this mango goes by the name Miyazaki mango, named after the city of Miyazaki in Japan.

Now the question arises that why this Miyazaki Mango is being offered to Mahakaal. In the realm of Sanatan Sanskriti, there exists no tradition of offering Mahakal any Miyazaki fruit. Then why  the world's most expensive Japanese mango is being offered on the Mahakal temple.

Jabalpur farmer grows this mango

A farmer who grows Japanese mangoes as well as many other varieties of mangoes in his garden dedicates the first mangoes of his garden to Mahakal.

The farmer in Jabalpur has grown this mango in his private garden. The name of the farmer is Sankalp Parihar. Farmer Sankalp says that along with this expensive mango, he is also cultivating 24 other varieties of mango.

According to Sankalp, the price of this mango is very high in the international market. They have sold it in India at a price of 50 thousand rupees per kg. Since mango is so expensive, he has also installed German Shepherd dogs and CCTV cameras in his garden to protect it. So that no one can steal them. Sankalp Parihar says that he goes to Ujjain and offers the most expensive mango of his garden to Lord Mahakal as the first offering.

What is so special about Japanese Miyazaki mangoes?

The Miyazaki mango is one of the most famous fruits found in the Miyazaki city in Japan.

The Miyazaki mango originates from the Miyazaki city in Japan’s Kyushu province and its history dates back to the 1980s, when a group of researchers from Miyazaki University and local farmers came up with the idea for the plant.

Scientists employed traditional breeding methods alongside modern technology to develop a mango variety suited to the local climate and soil conditions. The outcome was the creation of the Miyazaki mango, renowned for its exceptional taste, extended shelf life, and resistance to pests.

Dubbed as the 'Egg of the Sun' for their vibrant hue and egg-shaped form, these mangoes are typically grown during the prime harvest season spanning from April to August. Distinguishing themselves from typical green or yellow mangoes, Miyazaki mangoes undergo a striking transformation, transitioning from purple to a fiery red hue when fully ripe.

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